Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I'm back, Bitches!

Welcome to 2007!

OK, I know, I know. I suck. But I will try to make amends. Not all at once.

We had a great fall .... football beat Texas ... lost to Cal in the Holiay Bowl ... I went to Germany and will blog about that. Basketball is awesome, and we are #6 and first in teh Big 12.

I have joined the MySPace revolution. I have made a couple of great friends. One of the is actually an Ole Miss grad (horror!). But he is very cool, so we forgive him. The other is a State alum and fraternity brother.

Abbey and Sofie are getting big. They are still awesome, but Abbey is acting out a bit. We will try to fix it.

I became an Assistant Athletics Director in September. Go me. Now what? LOL.

OK, I will be back, I promise. Let me know what you want to hear about most, and I will give the people what they want! I am good like that.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

I need an adult!

I don't know how they do things in Russia, but it reminds me of Chris Griffin on Family Guy screaming, "I NEED AN ADULT!"

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Summary of Saturday Night

Listen to this, followed by this. Megan and I are so weird.

Friday, June 02, 2006

Stories Worth Sharing

You know, my addiction to CNN unearths many informative articles. However, sometimes these articles can be both informative and mindblowing. This is the story of two such articles.

Holy Lesbians, Batman!

OK, apparently DC Comics has decided to dive head first into diversity in Gotham. They are creating a new comic book series, 52, which will include an emphasis on multiculturalism. Batwoman is back, and this time she's a lesbian. I say, whatever makes you happy. I am also confused. I thought Batman and Robin were an item the first time around. I mean, they were at least bi, right?

I Don't Even Know What to Say

Yes, I do: What the Fuck?!?!

You have to read it to believe it, but these two people ordered a hit on their son's wife and his kids and stepkids. Their own fucking grandkids. And the family dog. I mean seriously?? What the fuck is wrong with people?

The son, who is my age, by the way, apparently is in jail on 22 charges of sexual battery on a child, lewd and lascivious molestation and showing obscene material to a minor. I know, let's make things better by killing your family ... and the dog.

What a fucking mess.

Thursday, June 01, 2006


You know, rarely do we dwell on mortality, especially our own and our loved ones'. Last night my sister's father-in-law, Jim Webster, died suddenly. He had a massive heart attack. Mom has gone to Franklin to keep my niece and nephew as the Websters try to piece things together and try to move forward.

Last night, Fiona talked to Mom on the phone and asked, "Gigi, you're not dead, are you?" She's four. Concepts like death and the finality of it are mostly incomprehensible at that age. Isaac, being nine, will have lots of questions, according to Mom.

This comes only a few days after Andrew's boss, Jim, passed away after a brief but intense fight with brain tumors.

I am somewhat depressed about all of this. It keeps bringing me back to the fact that my father has prostate cancer and that there is nothing anyone can do to cure it. They are slowing it down, but he is beyond removal or radiation packets eliminating it.

I don't want my dad to die. It hurts worse than I have ever let anyone know, and if I don't talk to you about it, please don't be upset. I can't talk to myself about it either.

OK, I've cried a little. Now it's time to move on for a bit.

Monday, May 29, 2006

Caption This Pic

This one could go so many directions. This ought to be interesting . . . . . .

Happy Memorial Day

I love holidays. They seem to come along just when you need a break. I really haven't done anything today. I had lunch with Megan at Bulldog Deli (McAllister's for all you rookies).

I went to the mall and got a sweet pair of shoes. True to my Memphis heritage, I bought a pair of blue suedes. Take a look. I prolly am set on tennis shoes now, since last week men's basketball gave me a sweet pair of Jordan mids that are CLEAN. Yes, that was for you, Andrew.

Tami called a while ago to get my help moving a piano. Their neighbors are moving and hauled an antique piano out to the curb. The freakin' curb ... as in throwing it away! I mean, it needs some work, but it has hand-painted panels depicting musical scenes (think baroque art scenes). Andrew lifted the lid, and we saw the patents that dated 1880-1890. A little TLC and this could be an amazing find.

Nick, Lea, Rob, Tami, Andrew and I are going bowling later. Should be a good time.


On a somber side note, Andrew's boss passed away this weekend. I only met the man a few times, but he will be missed.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Where to begin ... Again?

OK, it's been a while. Get off me. To catch up, we're gonna do some quick hits. Here we go!


I read the DaVinci Code. It was OK. Dan Brown is a good storyteller, and I was fascinated with some of the theories put forth in the book. However, as far as literature is concerned, the book is rather obvious with some of its plot, while other parts are unresolved. I do want to read more historical documentation on the subject matter.


Megan's parents came in town and we had game night at Tami and Andrew's. It was awesome. We played Mexican dominos. I'm sure that's not politically correct. Then, we split up into teams and played Cranium. Nick, Lea, Rob and I were on a team, while Tami, Andrew and "Sweet Molasses" Rodney Lacke were on another and the Watsons were on another. The highlight of the evening was when Nick humped the floor to get us to guess "missionary." He hates to lose more than I do.

I got a call from a guy we do business with, who had extra tickets to a function being hosted on an outfield rooftop at Wrigley Field in Chicago. Rob and I flew to Chi-town and thoroughly enjoyed the experience. We stayed at the Congress Plaza Hotel and had a room with a fantastic view of Buckingham Fountain and Lake Michigan. We had a beer at the Cubby Bear and had an Old Style at another bar at the corner of Waveland and Sheffield. The rooftop was awesome, and the food was authentic Chicago -- brats and hot dogs with "the works." Rob ate two.

Millennium Park was extremely impressive and a true tribute to Chicago's dedication to art and architecture.


Megan kept Abbey and Sofie for me while I was gone. She left them outside by themselves for awhile. They ate three sprinkler heads and part of the PVC pipe that I just dropped $500 fixing from their first puppy assault on the irrigation system in the back. I was pissed. I spent much of Saturday fixing the heads and line. It works again, and the pups are still under surveillance whilst outside.


Friday night a big group of folks went to see the DaVinci Code. Again, it was OK. I do not see why critics panned it. I also do not see how a fiction movie based on a fiction book raises the ire of so many people. Get over it, people.


Saturday, I did yardwork all day. I also got my car washed. Then it was miIII with Nick and Rob. It was kind of scary beforehand. Nick and Rob made a bee-line for the arcade. Rob played Galaga and Ms. PacMan (no surprises there), while Nick went for the Big Game Hunter. Yes, it's one of those shooting games. Let me tell you right now, if Nick ever pulls a gun on you, don't run. He killed almost every single moose with at least one shot to the ass. He has the "one in the chest, two in the ass" kill down pat and actually killed one moose with three shots to the ass. All I have to say is, Nice shootin' Tex.

After his ass-shooting spree, Nick then forced me to play some driving game. He learned very quickly why I don't play video games anymore. I suck.


Sunday I went to Dallas and saw my dad, who was in town for a convention. We had lunch at Baker Brothers and went to the Market downtown to get him some fresh fruit. We watched the end of the Bank of America Colonial PGA event and then ate dinner at Spaghetti Warehouse before I had to get back home.


Birds should not choose to have baby birds in the yard in the neighborhood with two ginormous black labs. Abbey has had a field day finding and picking up baby birds in the back, only to have Rob or me yell at her to put them down. She is sweet, though. She doesn't bite down or shake them (good lab); however, the baby birds always seem a bit woozie afterwards, and the other birds in the air squawk a lot. It's kind of odd to scold hunting dogs for going after birds.


Monday I went to Los Cucos with Nick and Lea for dinner. I hadn't been there in years. I learned that both Nick and I like enchiladas, as well as have our mexican plates with no beans and double rice. It feels good to know there are others out there like me.


I had my evaluation today. It was outstanding. Seriously, that was my overall evaluation mark. A&M makes you choose Unsatisfactory, Needs Improvement, Meets Expectations, Exceeds Expectations and Outstanding for like 12 categories and then an overall mark. I got an S in plays well with others.

Jeff was very complimentary of me and my work and staff. He actually said that he planned on promoting me to Asst. Athletics Director today, but because of budget shortfall, they are waiting until next week's budget meeting with the president to see if they can make the pay and title upgrade. Keep your fingers crossed. I know it won't happen (we're $5M in the red), but it was still very nice to hear. Maybe we can win some football games, and I can get my promotion!


I got a new phone tonight. It's the Cingular 8125. I am a badass.


OK, so that's it. You're all caught up, more or less. Feel better? Good.